The Adventure Trough The Woods

Disclaimer—-there are names to substitute the real names. ( to protect the innocent )

I was called out by Nick ( a friend ) so we can explore the woods near his house with Jose ( another friend ). We had to run because it is really hard getting back home on our bikes. We went into the woods but I found 2 columns with writing on it, when we got there Jose and Nick found a creek and we went there. Jose was a reptile expert and told us that there was a water snake and a water moccasin ( poisonous ) we got at of there really fast! Then all of the sudden I found a bunker, we tried cracking the lock with a mallet. Suddenly, we hear a twig snap right behind us !?!

5 thoughts on “The Adventure Trough The Woods

  1. Your story was really good! I liked how you left us without a ending, it makes it so much more exciting!

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